When it comes to end-of-life care, there are many avenues families can choose to preserve the experience not only for the individual in need but also for the family members as well. This can look like preplanning funeral arrangements to alleviate additional stress (making it a smoother transition) to bringing in expert care to support individuals with additional care and attention. Hospice care is one of the top areas of provided support for those who know their time is nearing.


Hospice care is a specialized form of care for individuals with terminal illnesses who are nearing the end of their lives. The primary focus of hospice care is to provide comfort and support, both physically and emotionally, to the patient and their loved ones. Unlike Doula care, Hospice can provide more specialized medical services that Doulas cannot and is often covered by Medicare and other insurance plans for those eligible. Hospice care is typically initiated when a person is expected to have six months or less to live.  


  1. Pain and Symptom Management: Hospice care focuses on relieving pain and managing other symptoms, such as nausea, shortness of breath, and fatigue. This allows patients to remain as comfortable as possible.
  2. Holistic Approach: Hospice care takes a holistic approach to patient care, addressing not only physical needs but also emotional, spiritual, and psychological needs.
  3. Personalized Care: Care is tailored to the individual patient’s wishes and preferences, including their cultural, religious, and personal beliefs.
  4. Support for Family: Hospice care includes support for the patient’s loved ones, providing counseling, respite care, and guidance throughout the caregiving process.
  5. Team-Based Care: Hospice care involves a multidisciplinary team, including doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, and other specialists who work together to provide comprehensive care.
  6. Home-Based Care: Hospice care can often be provided in the patient’s home, allowing them to remain in a familiar and comfortable environment.
  7. Reduced Hospitalizations: Hospice care aims to minimize unnecessary hospital visits and medical interventions, helping patients to spend their remaining time at home.
  8. Emotional and Spiritual Support: Patients and families receive emotional and spiritual support to help them cope with the challenges of end-of-life care.
  9. Bereavement Support: Hospice care continues to support the family after the patient’s passing, providing counseling and resources to help them navigate their grief.
  10. Improved Quality of Life: Hospice care focuses on enhancing the quality of life for the patient, allowing them to live as fully and comfortably as possible during their final days.

Hospice care can provide patients and their families with comfort, dignity, and peace during the end-of-life journey.  And when combined with Doula care, the two services create an authentic, loving space for transition.